Example Applications

There are examples in the swindon repository, which you might want to study to better understand the underlying protocols. There are four examples:

  1. message-board – displays a list of messages from every user joined the chat, using pub-sub. Does not represent all the details of the protocol but it has < 60 lines of raw javascript code without any libraries, so it’s easy to grok for people with different backgrounds. Backend is in python3 and sanic (for some coincidence)
  2. message-board2 – basically the same but uses a swindon-js helper library for the frontend. And aiohttp.web for backend.
  3. multi-user-chat – is a more powerful chat application with rooms and using both lattices and pubsub for keeping state up to date. Uses create-react-app for bootstrapping the application and sanic sanic for backend.
  4. multi-user-chat2 – is basically the same thing, but uses swindon-js library for communicating with swindon.