Routing Table

Describes routing table for all input requests. It is a mapping of either exact host and path prefix, or host suffix and path path prefix to the name of the handler.

Example of routing table:

  localhost/empty.gif: empty-gif
  localhost/admin: admin-handler
  localhost/js: static-files
  localhost/: proxy-handler
  "*": all-subdomains-handler favicon-handler

Route rosolution is done in two steps:

  1. The host is matched first:
    1. exact match is tested first (,
    2. then match by suffix is checked (*
  2. The path prefix within that host is matched.

Here is the example for route matching:

Assume we requested URL, at first step the host will be matched with last entry in table above, next, path /hello will be tested against all pathes for that host – only one in our case – and /favicon.ico path doesn’t match /hello. So the request for will end up with 404 Not Found.