Upstream backend requirements ============================= Swindon will transform frontend WebSocket calls into HTTP requests. This page describes requests format. General requests format ----------------------- All upstream requests are ``POST`` requests. ``Authorization`` header will hold base64 encoded JSON object received on authorization step. All requests contain valid JSON with the following structure: .. code-block:: javascript [request_meta, args_array, kwargs_object] ``request_meta`` A JSON object that contains metadata of the request. See :ref:`Request Meta ` for details. Swindon will add ``connection_id`` field identifing current websocket connection, this ID must be used in API calls. ``args_array`` Positional arguments for the remote method (JSON Array). ``kwargs_object`` Named arguments for the remote method (JSON Object). All responses are transformed into websocket message — :ref:`method call result `. All endpoints can be prefixed with http destination prefix, for instance: .. code-block:: yaml handlers: chat1: !SwindonChat message-handlers: "*": chat-host/ swindon.*: auth-host/chat1 chat2: !SwindonChat message-handlers: "*": chat-host/ swindon.*: auth-host/chat2 http-destinations: chat-host: addresses: [] auth-host: addresses: [] Final request will be made against following URL: .. sourcecode:: http POST /chat1/swindon/authorize_connection HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 11 [{}, [], {}] .. sourcecode:: http POST /chat/room/send_message HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 11 [{}, [], {}] Authorization request --------------------- .. http:POST:: /swindon/authorize_connection Connection authorization request. If upstream server replies with invalid response websocket connection will be closed. Anything **except** HTTP status ``200 OK`` is considered invalid response. The upstream also **must** provide valid JSON object containing ``"user_id"`` string field. This JSON object will be send to websocket as ``hello`` message. .. seealso:: :ref:`hello-message`. :doc:`websocket_shutdown_codes`. Example: .. sourcecode:: http POST /swindon/authorize_connection HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Host: [{"connection_id": "W0XeqRFiPpdHXHU0"}, [], {"http_cookie": "xxx=yyy", "http_authorization": "Token abc-etc", "url_querystring": "key=value&key=value&key=value"}] .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json {"user_id": "user:1234", "username": "John"} Websocket message: .. sourcecode:: json ["hello", {}, {"user_id": "user:1234", "username": "John"}] Inactive session notification ----------------------------- .. http:POST:: /swindon/session_inactive Notifies upstream that user's session is inactive, see :ref:`Request Meta `. Example: .. sourcecode:: http POST /swindon/session_inactive HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Swindon+json some/base64encoded/data= Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 11 [{}, [], {}] Websocket calls --------------- Method field of websocket call is transformed into request path (``.`` are replaced with ``/`` and http destination prefix is added). .. code-block:: json ["chat.send_message", {"request_id": 123}, [{"text": "Arbitrary message"}], {"room": "room1"} ] .. sourcecode:: http POST /chat/send_message HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Swindon+json some/base64encoded/data= Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 114 [{"request_id": 123, "connection_id": "W0XeqRFiPpdHXHU0"}, [{"text": "Arbitrary message"}], {"room": "room1"} ]